Does a "perfect bagpipe tone" exist? Or does a bit of imperfection in your sound actually make your overall tone sound better?
I've trialed a ...

We've all been there. We're trying to make a recording of our playing, but it's just not coming out right.
On the first recording, I had a choke....
A recorder is a vital tool for every piper to have and to use.
Now, if you’re like most people, you probably hate the idea of recording...
Do you struggle to get your pipes into tune when you first start to play?
You may be trying to tune too soon.
Tuning is a skill many pipers...
For bagpipers, posture matters – a lot. But not many teachers emphasize it in the beginning, so it becomes a big problemdown the track that's...
Pipe band medleys are a great way to showcase your band's musical range and creativity.
But why do some medleys sound more musical than others?
Are you like many pipers who think that using an electronic tuner is the only way to get a great sound out of their bagpipe? Have ever told...
Animated discussions often spring up in our Dojo U student community about the merits of different types of manometer.
In case you’re...
Playing with a metronome is a vital element in the bagpipe learning game. But, how do you play with a metronome while also playing your pipes?...
Ever wondered why your drones seem to make a bunch of different sounds when you strike in, or if you don't cut them off quickly (a listening...
The Dojo University water manometer is a tool that can help us to achieve several essential goals in piping, including blowing at the...
Are you getting the most out of your band practices?
Most of us show up like clockwork to band practice each week – maybe even a few times a...