Can Imperfections Make You Sound Better?

tone Mar 24, 2024

Does a "perfect bagpipe tone" exist? Or does a bit of imperfection in your sound actually make your overall tone sound better?

I've trialed a lot of different drone reeds. Cane, synthetic, inverted basses, new materials, different brands and new innovations as they emerge – they each have a different quality of sound.

You'll hear different opinions on which material is better. But why do some people like a roaring bass drone, while others prefer a quieter drone sound?

Tone is personal. It's inherently subjective. But it's also related more to the timbre of your sound than trying to achieve any "perfect" pitch.

For example, I can tune two different makes of drone to the same pitch, but they might sound completely different in the same set of drones. The quality of sound doesn't have to do with pitch, it actually has to do with the timbre that your drones produce with those reeds – the distribution of the amplitude of the harmonics of the sound.

And the differences in materials – whether synthetic, composite, or natural – contribute to unique timbres that appeal differently to each person's individual preferences.

It reminds me of a distorted electric guitar. Have you ever hear an electric guitar played with absolutely no effects and no distortion? It sounds very strange! The distortion of that instrument is a big part of what makes us enjoy the sound.

Check out this Dojo Conversations podcast for a deeper dive into this line of thinking – plus some very practical advice about how to decide which drone reeds are right for you, whether you should mix and match brands and materials, and how to set yourself and your band up for success!

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