Making the Most of Your Off-Season

constant variance goals maintenance resolutions Jan 01, 2024

For many, this is a period of reflection and setting goals for the year to come. But as we all know, keeping resolutions is hard – because while having the best of intentions is great, nothing ever beats consistent habits, replicable systems and making small, incremental improvements that add up to major improvement in the long run.

So if piping's on your list to focus on in the coming year, here are some ideas to help you hit the ground running...

Do a maintenance overhaul

Before your schedule gets back into full swing, now is a great time to tear your pipes down and do that maintenance you’ve been putting off. Oil the wood and polish the metal. Replace those strands of hemp that have been added over time with a fresh wrap. Check your instrument is completely airtight and well-calibrated – for a detailed step-by-step, our acclaimed Transitioning to the Bagpipes course covers this in detail (it's included in all levels of piping membership).

Experiment with your setup

Been using the same bag for years? Looking for a different drone sound? Are you always seeing moisture buildup on your reeds? Take this time to research and purchase new equipment that will improve your setup and your sound.

Manufacturers are constantly innovating and improving on chanters, reeds, and other items, and new stuff may be just waiting help you achieve your goals.

We recommend you get rid of anything that's been 'Too Long In This Condition' and replace any part of your instrument (apart from the wood of the pipes themselves!) that you've had for more than a few years.

Vary your repertoire with new music

The more you can mix up the combinations of notes and embellishments that you tackle, the more 'fluent' you'll be at sight-reading and general musicianship! If you're a competitive piper, sticking to the same repertoire for too long can also mean you get stuck in a rut with bad habits and repeating the same mistakes and issues.

A new tune can be the perfect way to leverage your past gains by applying them to new musical scenarios. Find and start to work on some new tunes that will excite you, and with luck, complement your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. Start now and you’ll have that new tune ready for the spring (or fall, if you're on the other side of the planet).

Set SMART goals

At this time of year, I like to sit and reflect on the previous season, both in life and in piping. What went well? What worked? What didn't? Did I see the results I expected?

Before the new year, I try to whittle these pros and cons into a concrete list of actions, which show in SMART terms (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) what I want to see happen next year.

Or, you may set yourself some small goals that are realistic with your schedule, like improving your rhythm or perfecting your birl.

And if you're not yet a member, hopefully we'll see you around Dojo U in the coming year!


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