Dojo U Store

Memberships, Courses, Gift Cards, and More!

Bagpiper Memberships

Dojo University memberships offer ongoing access to courses, live classes (and class replays), our Dojo U community, and more.


$5 per month


  • 1 curated audio bagpipe lesson delivered to you each day.
  • World class instructors.
  • $0.14 per lesson! 
  • Integrate with your podcast player of choice.
  • 7 day free trial.
  • Optionally - click here to save with an annual plan.


$30 per month

Top features

  • Access to Beginner's Tutor, Transitioning to the Bagpipes, Rhythm for Bagpipers, and more.
  • 15+ weekly live classes with acclaimed Dojo U instructors.
  • Get feedback on your playing, and answers to all of your questions in the members-only Dojo U Community.
  • Optionally - click here to save with an annual plan.


$45 per month

Top features

  • All benefits of Insider AND Basic, plus:
  • Advanced courses on tuning, composition, piobaireachd, and more.
  • Premium faculty live classes and archives - learn from the world's best!
  • Optionally - click here to save with an annual plan.

Interested in Our Drumming Program? Click Here!

Want to Join Dojo U Leadership Club?

Calling all band leaders! Join our exclusive, supportive community of pipe band leaders from around the world! Sign up for any of our core membership subscriptions to get started: pipers can choose Basic or Premium above; drummers should choose Drumming.

For books, Dojo merchandise, and other physical products,
visit the Dojo University Bookstore!

Available Bagpipe "Core" Courses

Our flagship trainings that will skyrocket your knowledge and ability.

The 11 Commandments of Mastery

Join Andrew Douglas as he works through 11 core concepts of musical mastery, which apply to every bagpiping school of thought, and will skyrocket your progress if you embrace them.

$29.99 USD
Purchase Now

Bagpipe Beginner's Tutor

Our "Bagpipe as an Extension of Your Self" tutor is the definitive, tested, and acclaimed bagpipe tutor that will put you on the path to true life enrichment via the Great Highland Bagpipe. Optionally add a printed Tutor Book.

$49.00 USD
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Transitioning to the Bagpipes

Transition from the practice chanter to the full bagpipes one step at a time, with no physical stress or mental confusion! Or, rebuild your bagpipe sound and confidence from scratch. Sponsored by McCallum Bagpipes.

$99.99 USD
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Rhythm for Bagpipers

Rhythm and rhythmic accuracy are the absolute root of bagpipe fingerwork skills. But it's seldom taught - until now! Learn the 6 primary bagpipe "grooves" and apply them to several tunes.

$74.00 USD
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Fingerwork Fundamentals

Learn the building blocks of all bagpipe fingerwork, in a logical order, through an objective lense. The world's most comprehensive fingerwork course, only from Dojo U.

$149.00 USD
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Instrument Fundamentals

An in-depth course unveiling the 13 Steps to Great Bagpipe Sound that come together to forge a bullet-proof instrument. Features famous manometer skills, 4-questions of bagpipe maintenance, and tuning.

$149.00 USD
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The Great Algorithm - Bagpipe Tuning Suite

Crack the code of bagpipe tuning in 90 days... even if you're tone deaf! Theory course, tactical course, tuning interviews with famous pipers, 90-day tuning plan, triple-your-money-back guarantee, and more! This is the world's most complete tuning resource ever produced.

$269.00 USD
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Introduction to Piobaireachd

Learn the fundamentals of Piobaireachd the "Dojo Way." In the process of teaching 12 classic piobaireachds from the ground up, this course helps us discover why piobaireachd is interesting, why we should want to play it and why maybe... just maybe... piobaireachd can be a lot of fun.

$99.00 USD
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Bagpipe Composing Foundations

De-mystify the seemingly-complex world of bagpipe music theory, and use that knowledge to crack the code of harmony-writing, composing new tunes, writing medleys, suites, and more. Create your own unique, inspiring bagpipe music without the hocus-pocus!

$199.00 USD
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Dojo U "Success Plans"

A success plan is a concise, to-the-point course that gets you the desired results with minimal fuss.

4 Simple Steps to an Easy Bagpipe

Struggling with a bagpipe that's too hard? Our 4-step system to setting up your bagpipe will ensure your bagpipe is comfortable from here on...

$49.00 USD
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Mastering the Steady Blowing "Trifecta"

Steady blowing seems like one thing but it's actually three things; a trifecta! Once you understand this, you'll put yourself on a path to great tonal quality on your bagpipes.

$49.00 USD
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The 6 Steps of the Bagpipe Tuning "Cycle"

Bagpipe tuning will start to feel a lot easier when you realize that it's all about "cycling" through the same key steps over and over again...

$49.00 USD
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The Tune Building Process

Learn tunes better, faster, and basically on autopilot. Memorize tunes better, faster, and basically on autopilot. Revitalize tunes... (you get the picture)

$49.00 USD
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Hide Bag Tie-In Mastery

Tying in a hide bag isn't rocket science, but it sure is helpful to know what to do! This bag goes through all the ins and outs of tying on your hide bag.

$49.00 USD
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Master 95% of Bagpipe Expression in 2 Steps

What if that mysterious "bagpipe expression" wasn't quite to mysterious afterall? These two techniques will get you 95% of the way there!

$49.00 USD
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The Low-G-Oriented Embellishment Perfection System

Grips, Taorluaths, Throws, oh my! But... what if they weren't so difficult to do after all?Perfect these tricky embellishments in this crash course.

$49.00 USD
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Cane Drone Reed Mastery

Cane drones reeds are supposed to be "too hard" to set up and to get steady - but that's not true at all. Master the basics, and you'll be rewarded with a spectacular sound!

$49.00 USD
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The “Next Level” BluePrint: Reach the Next Grade Level in 6 Months!

What if you knew you could literally reach the next grade level in half a year? Well, you can!

$49.00 USD
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The 3-Stage Gig Perfection System

Learn our system of booking gigs, preparing for gigs, and executing them on the day. With this plan, any piper can be earning money playing gigs in no time.

$49.00 USD
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Defeat Performance Anxiety with Digital Recording

Recording yourself is great and a lot of fun - but did you know it can also be your greatest tool in helping you defeat those debilitating performance nerves?

$49.00 USD
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The Ultimate Strike-In Fail-Proofing System

Strike-ins have been the thorn in the side of pipers since the dawn of the pipe band. Learn the four fundamental parts of a great pipe band attack in this course.

$49.00 USD
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Pipe Band Drumming

Dojo University isn't just for bagpipers. Our mirroring drumming program led by Ed Best is also second-to-none.

Drumming Membership

$30/mo (with 30 day free trial)

  • Regularly recurring live snare drumming classes with Ed Best and special guests.
  • 5x weekly bass and tenor drumming focused classes, with Danielle Cooper
  • Includes our renowned Snare Drumming Beginner's Tutor
  • Supportive, fun, closed online community
  • On-demand archive of past classes
  • Snare Drumming "freedom" process
  • Learn along-side bagpipers as well!
  • Optionally - click here to save with an annual plan.
Learn More and Enroll

... Or, check out one of our drumming courses.

Scottish Snare Drum Tutor Course

A bottom-up, music-first video tutor for Scottish Snare Drummers, taught by Ed Best. 5 chapters, building from beginner, to intermediate/advanced. Learn "old" and "new" standard drum scores in the essential idioms!

$69.00 USD
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Traditional Massed Bands Scores

(Re)Learn the Classic Massed Bands Scores (Correctly)! Renown drumming instructor Ed Best guides you through a proven, step-by-step method to rebuild your massed bands scores from the ground up.

$49.00 USD
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Dojo University Gift Cards

Want to gift a membership to a friend or student? Now you can!