402 - 10 Clues Your Pipe Major Sucks (Dojo Conversations Episode 72)
Pipe band can be a source of joy, fun, and fulfilment. But the person in charge matters… and it can be really demotivating when weaknesses in their leadership start to affect your enjoyment of this hobby we all know and love… This week, we’re revisiting an article Andrew wrote in 2020 called, you guessed it, “10 Clues Your Pipe Major Sucks”. Despite the clickbait title, the point is really about leadership – in a pipe band setting, or any other. Andrew and Jim dive into their own experiences playing under various pipe majors, good and bad, and the importance of leadership quality, fostering talent, and creating a positive band culture. But it can be easier said than done – and a good leader also needs good followers… Want to sign up for Dojo U Insider - your daily dose of bagpiping education, delivered right to your pocket? Check it out: https://pipersdojo.com/insider Got a question for a future episode? Leave a comment or email us at [email protected]! This week, we cover: 01:15 The Allure of Hip New Pipe Majors and Band Dynamics 03:58 Addressing the Challenges of Suboptimal Pipe Majors 05:46 Exploring the 'Ten Clues Your Pipe Major Sucks' Article 06:25 Big Fish Syndrome and Leadership Flaws 14:10 The Problem with a Suffocating Repertoire 16:16 Disrespecting Band Members' Time 17:39 Cutting Down Emerging Talent 18:02 Navigating Talent and Leadership in Bands 18:35 The Challenges of Being Musically Gifted in School 19:25 The Power Dynamics in Teaching and Leadership 19:51 Fostering Talent vs. Resentment in Leadership 20:16 Personal Reflections on Supporting New Talent 20:55 The Joy and Frustration of Repetitive Practice 21:36 Recognizing and Avoiding Leadership Pitfalls 23:29 The Importance of Delegation and Trust in Leadership 26:41 Understanding the Bigger Picture in Leadership 29:53 Setting Realistic Expectations and Fostering Growth 33:22 Reflections on Leadership and Followership ____ Dojo University is the longest-running and most successful online bagpiping and drumming school in the world. We teach thousands of students around the world how to play good music – mastering the art of learning and playing the bagpipes and drums in the process – in a highly accessible way that is completely unlike anything else you'll find online or in person, anywhere in the world. We created Dojo U because we noticed that too many pipers and drummers were struggling out there in the world. Bagpiping should be a joyful experience, each and every day you pick up your instrument. If it's not, we strive to fix that before it's too late. And whether you're a complete beginner, a parade or experienced player, a pipe major or drum sergeant, or a pro-level competitor... you can free yourself from musical frustration at Dojo U. At Dojo U, we do things a little differently to how you may have approached learning to play the bagpipes before. One of the key reasons for our ongoing success is that we're always evolving, improving, and growing. We'd love to welcome you back and show you around! Find Andrew and the Piper's Dojo Team here: Dojo University Online Bagpipe School: http://pipersdojo.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/pipersdojo Twitter: http://twitter.com/pipersdojo Instagram: http://instagram.com/pipersdojo SnapChat: pipersdojo