357 - How To "Fail" Like A Champion (Dojo Conversations Ep 29)
If you compete and don't win, have you failed? Failure is something we all fear – but putting yourself out there really is the only way to learn and grow as a piper. And the cool thing about failure is that it moves the needle towards a future success.
This week on Dojo Conversations, Andrew and Jim discuss the idea of "failure" in bagpiping and pipe bands – and how different piping is as a "subjective" art form to some other more objective pursuits, like basketball and other sports. Let's rethink "failure" as what it really is – progress towards incremental improvement!
Got a topic you'd like us to discuss on a future episode? Leave a comment or email it to [email protected]!
#bagpipes #bagpipers #pipeband #pipebandlife
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