What Tune Setting Should I Play in a Solo Competition?

solo competition Sep 29, 2024

"Do I have to play the standard setting of a tune in a solo competition?"

It's a question I hear all the time at the Dojo.  

The simple answer is you don't have to, but really, it's in your best interests to, yes. 

Like for many things in pipe bands and bagpiping, it's kind of an unspoken expectation that you'll stick to the well-known settings of tunes. 

It's less of a hard and fast rule, and more like dining etiquette. Would you burp loudly at a formal dinner? In most cultures, that would be considered rude. There's no law against it, of course, but over time, we've come to a cultural consensus that burping is not a thing you do.

Judges are likely to be more familiar with traditional settings, and they're there to evaluate your performance based on accepted standards. So you won't want to surprise them with a highly unconventional arrangement, where they could easily mistake your 'interpretation' as error. You might be tempted to showcase your creativity with an alternative arrangement, but trust me, at most grade levels you're far better off focusing on what solo competitions are designed to test – executing fundamental skills well.   

Does this mean there's no room for innovation? Absolutely not. There's a time and place for everything! Let your creativity shine during recitals, pub gigs, or other more social performances where listeners can appreciate your unique take on traditional tunes, and where you have the time and opportunity to explain your artistic choices as well.

Check out the Dojo Conversations podcast as Jim and I answer this question and several others in detail as we solve the world's piping problems by talking through some of Reddit's most burning r/bagpipes questions. 

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