The 4 Layers of a Strike In

drone reeds four layers of drone reed sound strike in Feb 26, 2024

Ever wondered why your drones seem to make a bunch of different sounds when you strike in, or if you don't cut them off quickly (a listening experience otherwise affectionately known as "the dying cow")?

There are actually four distinct 'layers of sound' that come into play when you strike in your drone reeds. And understanding these four layers isn't just a cool party trick to show off to your bandmates – it's like having a roadmap to troubleshoot sound issues and fine-tune your instrument.

Imagine being able to make adjustments to strike-ins, improve your technique, and guarantee you'll have a more controlled and harmonious sound. Doesn't that sound like music to your ears?

Achieving flawless strike ins and steady drone reed sound while playing starts with regularly checking that your pipes are airtight, calibrating your reeds effectively, and making sure everything vibrates at the correct pressure.

First up, we have Layer 1, or as some call it, the "Squeaky Layer." Ever noticed that high-pitched, unpredictable sound when you first strike your bagpipes? Wondered why it happens? Well, it's all about the pressure on the reed. Too little, and you get stuck in the squeaky layer – which isn't ideal (and can lead to double toning)...

If you've successfully moved past the squeaky layer you'll then reach Layer 2 – the "Gurgly Layer." Ever increased the pressure and found yourself in a low-pitched, raucous soundscape? It's like your drone is settling into its groove. Some bagpipes may experience a bit of gurgling, but don't worry, it usually clears up with a bit more pressure.

Then, Layer 3 – the "Stable Zone." This is the sweet spot we all crave. Getting there means navigating through the previous layers and ensuring your reeds are perfectly calibrated. Tricky, but totally worth it – and this is where you'll spend most of your time with drone reeds when you're playing.

Surely that's it, right? You've hit that beautifully resonant hum you were after... So what's the fourth layer?

Well, though less common, it's important to understand and be able to troubleshoot Layer 4 – the "Shutdown." Ever blown a bit too hard into the reed? Suddenly, everything goes silent, like the drone decided to take a wee break. While it's not ideal for regular playing, it's a subtle reminder to find that perfect balance in pressure for a consistent sound.

Ready to learn more about the four layers of drone reed sound? Check out this Dojo Conversations podcast as we get into it!

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