Our Top Tips For Grade 5 Pipe Bands

crossing noises digital tuner grade 5 simplifying tunes tuning Feb 17, 2025

Ever feel like your Grade 5 pipe band is just one mistake away from a total (banjo) breakdown?

Getting a solid sound for bands at this level is tough – newer players are still learning, nerves run high, and tuning can feel like a guessing game. 

But with a few key tweaks, your band can start sounding more polished and confident.

Here are some top tips to start turning around the sound of your Grade 5 band (though if I'm honest, most Grade 4 and even Grade 3 bands could take notes here too...)!

Clean Starts and Stops

First impressions matter. If your band stumbles at the start or falls apart at the end, that’s what your audience – and in competition, the judges – will remember. Now, in a contest this isn't necessarily a deal-breaker, especially if other bands suffer from other issues on this list. But it's easy, low-hanging fruit to fix.

Even if the rest of your performance is great, a messy beginning or finish can leave a bad impression. And a small mistake when you're starting can throw off less experienced players as well, causing them to overthink it and make even more mistakes throughout the rest of your set. 

The fix? Make starts and stops a priority at every practice. Drill them until they’re rock solid. Don't let bad ones go by – start again straight away after a bad start to repeat it until it's right, and practice clean finishes, in the circle and at home individually. It’s a small change that can make a big difference.

Don't Make Mistakes

Sounds obvious, right? And you're probably thinking, "Sure, Andrew – easier said than done."

But, no joke, in Grade 5 avoiding mistakes is half the battle. It’s not just about playing the right notes – it’s about playing them consistently well. Think of it like sports: a team that doesn’t turn the ball over has a better shot at winning.

There's no point trying to be creative or complex in your music choice or arrangement if your players can't get through a set without some real clangers ruining it. So choose tunes that everyone can play confidently, even under pressure.

And if your players are struggling with an embellishment? Simplify it. A clean tune always beats a messy one. The goal isn’t to strip embellishments away, or prevent players developing their skills; it’s to make sure embellishments enhance the music, not ruin it. Players who can't play them yet can work on them and add them in when they're ready.

Even top bands keep things simple when needed!

Tune the Drones

Again, this seems obvious to some, but it is a consistent issue in lower grade bands. A well-tuned band sounds instantly better. There are no fancy tricks here – just solid tuning.

Digital tuners can be helpful for getting the whole band in the ballpark, but beware relying solely on them for drone and chanter tuning. Before stepping onto the field or parade ground, you want to make sure every piper’s drones are in sync – a good way to check is to have every piper play their pipes individually for a few bars, and see if they sound good to listen to (not perfect, just solid).

Train your ear to listen for decent tuning (immersing yourself with some good quality recordings of bands playing is a great start) – and if you're still developing this skill, or if tuning is a weak spot for you, get someone experienced to help. It could be as simple as asking a friend or more experienced piper at your event to help, or as serious as paying someone who knows what they're doing to help. Trust me  – it’s worth the effort (and money, if you choose to go that route!).

Psst – if you're eager to develop your tuning ear once and for all, our Dojo U Tuning Clinic is running from May 30 – June 1, 2025 in Troy New York – join us to master bagpipe tuning in just one weekend!

Managing Crossing Noises

Crossing noises are an issue for pipers at all levels, but in Grade 5 they can be rampant, marring your scores all over the place! 

At this level it's unrealistic to expect every player to avoid crossing noises all the time, but they shouldn’t be so constant that they detract from your overall sound.

The "hack" here is a bit of a longer game – if you notice a player struggling with scale navigation, help them fix it. Slow down at practice to allow them time to land their fingers in the right order, and offer personalized attention to individuals who are struggling with this fundamental skill.  Sometimes simplifying a player’s music can help mitigate this too. 

Focus on Individuals

A great band starts with great individual players. Every member needs to hold their own, or it will detract from your overall sound, no matter how many "solid" players you have. Take time to check in on each piper and drummer. Can they play their parts confidently, even under pressure? If not, help them get there, or encourage your stronger players to buddy up with less capable ones to help them along.

Strong individuals make a strong band – and the opposite is true too.  

Grade 5 success isn’t about playing the hardest tunes. It’s about playing well. Get rid of the mistakes, tune the drones, and keep embellishments clean. Do that, and your band will sound miles better – no matter what level you’re at.

Check out this episode of Dojo Conversations as we discuss these top tips for Grade 5 bands in more detail (and with a surprising number of basketball analogies)!


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