Are You Being A Good Bandmate?

Feb 19, 2024

Are you getting the most out of your band practices?

Most of us show up like clockwork to band practice each week – maybe even a few times a week. But are you showing up a way that doesn't just improve your own playing, but also helps your whole band to improve?

Imagine you're on a basketball team, and when you get to practice, one of your teammates has showed up without running any drills at home, without warming up, and expecting the coach to give them some instruction on how to shoot three-pointers, because they're still 'not getting it'. Do you think the rest of the team is going to get much out of their hour or so of precious time together when that one teammate is going to dominate the coach's attention, and not be up to the same standard of play as the rest?

The opportunity for the whole group to progress together is lost for the night, because "that guy" needs special attention during time set aside for the whole team.

Band practice is a similar situation. It should be about settling ensemble parts and running plays, not teaching individuals how to shoot that proverbial three-pointer.

There's an old saying – any group is only as strong as its weakest link. And while part of that means helping your less skilled players develop, another huge part of it is taking responsibility for your own commitment.

Being in any ensemble means committing to working on your own individual weaknesses during your personal practice time, so you can arrive at band practice with your individual skills polished, your instrument maintained and ready to play, and your mind focused with a positive attitude and a growth mindset. That way, you're a stronger link, ready to spend that time together ironing out band-level issues. Band practice should focus on developing the group, not the individual.

Whether it's tuning, working on breaks, or just fine-tuning the act of playing together – band practice is where the band as a unit grows, learns, and improves together.

So, next time you step into that practice room, bring the right mindset, dedication, and preparation. Strike the perfect balance between your individual responsibilities and those of the band. Make each practice session count.

Want to dive more into running great band practices – and how the top level bands do it too? Check out this Dojo Conversations podcast as we get into it!

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